Perfecting the “Shelfie”

Have you ever taken a ‘shelfie’?  You heard me right. Not a selfie—but a ‘shelfie’: that is, a snapshot of what lies within your bookshelves. In an article for CNN, David G. Allan claims that a ’shelfie,’ rather than a selfie, is a better representation of who you are, and our staff at ACD could not agree more. Often, the most dynamic part of a home is enclosed within its bookshelves: what books we have, what photos we display, and how we arrange them within these rectangular boxes defines who we are. Bookshelves display memories, they exhibit our values, and flaunt what we love to all who visit our home. Sometimes, however, designing the perfect bookshelves can be a tedious challenge: displaying the right collectibles and treasures, maintaining a color scheme, and orienting books, all while embodying your personal style is daunting.  Check out the beautiful bookshelves below to learn how to perfect your ‘shelfie.’

Like our unique personalities, not every bookshelf should look the same—confide in your artistic license and stray from the traditional concept of a bookshelf, like these light wooden shelves that seemingly float within the space, or this revolving Murphy door that opens to a hidden reading room.

You can still create a sleek and polished shelving space while incorporating flairs of your personality.  Bookshelves should be filled out with your favorite books, photos, collectibles and ‘chachkies,’ and even decorative plants.  Get creative! The key is to create a harmonious, aesthetically pleasing composition within your shelves.  Change the orientation of your books to create dynamic layering and intersperse personal objects among the shelves, but avoid overcrowding them.  Keep it clean.  White bookshelves are a classic, modern look, but integrating pops of color or even, if you’re feeling brave, brightly painted shelves, like these turquoise ones, radiate energy and personality.

Bringing a room’s color scheme into your bookshelves and their contents is an exceptional way to unify a space. As seen in the photos below, the placement of neutral accent pieces within the shelving structures complements the tones in the living space.  The planks of light wood used to separate the shelving structure perfectly accentuate the hardwood floors and wooden beam that stretches across the ceiling.  Vertical, and floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, an increasingly popular trend, expands a space and draws the eye upwards.  As seen in in the wooden built-ins below, ‘bookshelves’ do not need to necessarily house books. What may appear to be the skeleton of a traditional bookshelf can be used to maximize storage space or display artwork.

People often call eyes the windows to the soul.  In your home, those eyes are your bookshelves. They are one of the only spaces in interior design that have no barriers or limits to creativity. They are a skeleton for you to build upon with pieces to display the story of your life and what is important to you—your ‘shelfie.’

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